Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Recycle This Too

How many old phones do you have lying around? I had two.
Another way to help the environment by recycling. If you can't find a recycle box like this one, here are a few sites that collect old phones for recycling.
Charitable Recycling
Wireless Recycling
Collective Good
Click on the picture below to view the video.

Quicktime Version


Steve Garfield said...

Try looking into the lens of the camera instead of at the little flip out screen.

Faux Press said...

Another great tip, Doug.

LOL re: Garfield's comment.

Right into the lens is difficult because it's relatively speaking a rather large area. You might want to put a piece of whte tape at the top of the lens so you have something to focus on rather than the whole lens The idea is to keep your eyes steady.

I never felt your eyes wander but thought I'd post that tip since S.G. brought it up.

Doug said...

Yeah, I've always had a problem with looking at the flip screen. I'd thought about closing it but then wouldn't know if I was cutting off my face or not. I'll try to do better.

Unknown said...

Hi recycling mobile phones is better way to erodicate pollution now a days we are using many phones.The old phones which we have
are kept aside. Due to that getting burden to our environment.Thank you